Responsive Strategies for Lasting Change

Responsive Strategies for Lasting Change.

Response Strategies in Positive Behavior Support (PBS) refer to the strategies and interventions implemented to address challenging or problem behaviours after they have occurred. These strategies are designed to de-escalate the situation, ensure the safety of the individual and others, and teach the individual more appropriate ways to respond to challenging situations. Response strategies are a key part of a comprehensive PBS plan and typically follow a functional behavioural assessment (FBA), which helps identify the triggers and functions of the problem behaviours. The response strategies are chosen based on the information gathered during the FBA.

Some Common Response Strategies in PBS Include

  • Crisis Intervention

    These are individualised strategies used during a crisis to ensure safety and prevent harm to the individual or others.

  • Skill Teaching

    Response strategies often include teaching the individual alternative and more adaptive behaviours to replace behaviours of concern. This might involve teaching communication skills, problem-solving strategies, or emotional regulation techniques.

  • Communication Supports

    Teaching and encouraging effective communication methods to help individuals express their needs and preferences without resorting to problem behaviours.

  • Social Stories

    Social Stories are a way to promote understanding and inclusivity by explaining various social situations, behaviours, and expectations to navigate the world with confidence.

  • Self-monitoring

    Teaching the individual to monitor their own behaviour and make choices that align with desired outcomes.

  • Collaborative Problem-Solving

    Engaging the individual in collaborative problem-solving discussions to identify solutions to issues that may lead to challenging behaviour.

"In the realm of positive behaviour support, response strategies are the tools that help individuals not only cope but thrive."

Response strategies are most effective when they are individualised and based on a thorough assessment of the person's specific needs, triggers, and functions of their behaviours. The goal of these strategies is to help the individual learn more adaptive ways to cope with challenges and reduce the reliance on behaviours of concern. Response strategies should always prioritise the safety and well-being of the individual and those around them.


Our innovative team provides creative solutions to enhance the effectiveness of response strategies. It's not just about managing behaviours; it's about unlocking potential and empowering individuals to thrive.

Carrie O'Connor