Training and Development
Training Tailored To Your Needs And Goals
At Chrysalis, we are passionate about the delivery of person-centred, human rights-based models of care that reduce the need for restrictive practices and improve the participant’s quality of life. We help achieve this with our Training and Development services.
Who can participate in Chrysalis’ Training and Workshops?
Everyone! We provide training for participants, families, support workers, and carers on an ongoing basis. As an experienced disability services provider, Chrysalis can help educate family, friends, and carers on how to implement our recommended behavioural strategies. Positive behaviour support starts with the person-centred values of the individual receiving support, their advocates, and those who will deliver support in order to improve the person’s quality of life. Hence, the main goal of our training sessions is to strive for a better quality of life for not only the individual, but also their family and supporters.
Interested in learning more about our training sessions and workshops? Contact us.
Education and Training Services for Clients, Families and Carers
Our Behaviour Practitioners provide training that is specific to each participant. We take into consideration their disability type, their specific behaviours of concern, their needs, and the type of environment that they’re in. Our training sessions and workshops are consistent with the principles of positive behaviour support, focusing on strategies for preventing and minimising behaviours of concern. This helps families and carers to:
Better understand the individual’s needs
Improve their environment
Recognise and reduce restrictive practices
Engage them in ways that reduce behaviours of concern
Promote respect and choices for the individual
Why is it important for both families and participants to receive training?
In most cases it’s extremely beneficial for not only the individual to undergo education & training, but also for family members and carers to develop an understanding of the behaviour and its related causes as well. Often, people who face aggressive or confronting behaviours from the individual might take it personally, get upset by it, or believe that the individual is doing it on purpose. However, it is important to remember that this is how they are trying to communicate their feelings. By shifting your perspective and trying to understand what they are communicating will help to remove or minimise the need for that challenging behaviour.
Understanding Challenging Behaviours
It is important to know that all behaviour is a form of communication. Everyone communicates through behaviour, and challenging behaviour is just the tip of the iceberg. When someone is ‘acting out’, screaming or aggressive in nature, they are trying to tell us something that is often too difficult to communicate with speech. It can often be misconceived as a reluctance to conform or adhere to rules and expectations. In order to make changes, it is important to understand what lies beneath. At Chrysalis, our experienced practitioners can assist by helping you understand the factors that contribute to an individual’s behaviour and understanding why it is occurring. Not only is this important for the wellbeing of the participant, but also for the families, carers, and everyone around them. Sometimes just small changes in a routine or changing the way you communicate with them can allow the participant time to process what you’re trying to say to them.
Training and Workshops for Chrysalis Clinicians and Practitioners
At Chrysalis, we have an incredible team of people who are committed to helping the participants, their families and everyone else who is involved. We are always striving to deliver services that are of the highest standard, with the participant’s goals and needs always at the centre of our approach. We seek feedback from participants and their families who engage our services and use this information to inform service delivery improvements.
Maria, our Senior Behaviour Support Clinician, is constantly running training sessions to help improve the processes and skills of our staff members for optimal results. Maria also provides one-to-one meetings with new clinicians to help them identify any skill gaps and areas they might need some support or direction. Furthermore, in the disability industry, it is crucial to keep up-to-date with any changes, restrictive practices and anything else the NDIS requires to ensure all our Practitioners are well-informed.
Our collaborative approach puts you at the center of personalised development