Opening The Door To A Positive Mindset
I am not one to get on my soapbox however a positive mindset really helps me to get out of bed and get on with my day. I set myself little goals to make sure I maintain a positive attitude and mindset by having activities planned. If I wake up in a bad mood I just turn on the radio and groove along to the music. I make sure I don't stay home, even if I walk around the block, it is better than being down in the dumps I also go down to the jetty and walk around and see who I can see. I also go to the shops. I make sure I touch base with friends.
Please ask your questions for Amelia below
Chrysalis have asked me to write a blog for their website and I’m so excited to be given this opportunity, so leave me a question and I’ll happily respond. I’m looking forward to hearing from you all.