Celebrating Autistic Pride Day ~ Every Day

Celebrating Autistic Pride Day ~ Every Day

June 18th 2023 Autistic Pride Day

Today and every day we encourage and recognise the rich diversity within the Autistic community. We encourage you to shift the narrative from different is different to let’s celebrate the identity and diversity of the human experience.

What is the aim of Autistic Pride Day?

  • Embrace our differences

  • Promote understanding

  • Come together as a community

  • Share our experiences

  • Support each other

  • Make the world a more accepting and inclusive place for everyone.

New research from the University of Cambridge suggests that autistic individuals are more likely to identify with a diverse range of sexual orientations than non-autistic individuals. In addition, autistic adults and adolescents are approximately eight times more likely to identify as asexual and ‘other’ sexuality than their non-autistic peers.

Dr Carrie Allison, Director of Strategy at the Autism Research Centre said: “We must ensure that autistic individuals are receiving equal access to healthcare and support in their choices in their personal lives, to enjoy fulfilling lives and good mental health.”

How can you celebrate Autistic Pride Day?

Respect: Respect people’s right to self-identify

Advocate: Advocate for Autistic LGBTQIA+ rights and visibility

Educate: Let's become familiar with the up-to-date language and educate ourselves on the history of pride

Speak out: Speak out against all discrimination

Asking: Listen to the voices of the LGBTQIA+ communities

Share: Share your personal experience to promote awareness and understanding

Be yourself: Celebrate who you are

Carrie O'Connor